Our Work Speaks for Itself

Three Decades of Problem-Solving Experience

Radiant has been serving Christian ministries for almost three decades. If ROI is critical to your success, consider our extensive track record and browse through some of our work from over the years. (If you're looking for business solutions, visit Bark Communications.)

At a Glance The Gideons has been an iconic Christian organization in Canada for over 110 years. When the organization decided to undergo some significant changes in their ministry, they hired Radiant to help dream up their new brand. We designed the new ShareWord Global brand, and when they were ready to fully embrace the ShareWord Global name,
At a Glance InterVarsity is a non-profit organization that works to introduce students to Jesus through summer camps, high school programing, university campus ministries, and in the workplace. We originally worked with one of their summer camps, Ontario Pioneer Camp, to grow camper registration by strategically capturing the camp’s brand
At a Glance Sandy Cove is an all-inclusive, year-round retreat center located on the headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay in North East, Maryland. Sandy Cove looked to Radiant to solve several very complex problems that required a unique approach to navigate. Attendance was down, and innovative solutions were lacking. Putting our heads together, we
At A Glance What began as a mission of two Christian women to feed, clothe and educate the children and families of one of the poorest neighborhoods in Wilmington, Delaware, continues today. From those humble beginnings in 1927, the work and reach of Neighborhood House have expanded, allowing them to serve low-to-moderate income communities
At a Glance Compassion Gallery was (and is) a very unique opportunity for Radiant. Featuring the fine art photography of Radiant’s CEO and President, Ray Majoran and Brian Klassen, Compassion Gallery is a fully functioning digital gallery powered by Radiant WebTools. Radiant developed a strategic approach to creating Compassion
At a Glance TWR Canada works to make disciples of all nations by reaching people with the gospel in their own heart language. They produce radio, digital, and print programming that points people to Christ and teaches them the ways of Jesus in 230 languages. TWR was looking for an enterprise-level, ministry-focused CMS and chose Radiant as its
At a Glance For more than twenty-five years, Impactus (formerly Promise Keepers Canada) has been calling men to follow Jesus, and to be men who will have a godly impact in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities.  Our work with the ministry began by developing a new website with a superior user experience, a powerful content
At a Glance Intriciti works to bring business professionals and executives together to explore the integration of faith and business. We’ve come alongside Intriciti since the formation of the organization in 2004 with strategic consultation, ideation, and creative solutions. We continue to support the brand with marketing and communications. Our