Are you passionate about helping businesses and ministries thrive? GateSeven Media Group Inc. ("GateSeven") invites you to join our Brand Advocate Network where you can help organizations you care about while receiving a steady, passive income!  

About GateSeven 

GateSeven is a renowned leader in marketing, communications and technology, with a remarkable legacy spanning over three decades. We specialize in delivering comprehensive solutions tailored to both corporate and faith-based markets. Our dedicated team of experts, including strategists, client service professionals, designers and developers brings a wealth of industry knowledge to the table. 

We operate through two distinct divisions: Radiant, dedicated to serving Christian churches and ministries, and Bark Communications, which caters to the corporate world. At GateSeven, we prioritize trust and reputation, and that's why our primary source of lead generation is word-of-mouth. 

Why Become a GateSeven Brand Advocate? 

Your network is your strength. By becoming a Brand Advocate for GateSeven (Radiant and Bark Communications), you can play a pivotal role in helping businesses and ministries access the support they need to thrive. But that's not all — your efforts are also rewarded!  

As a Brand Advocate, you'll receive a generous 5% commission for every lead you refer to us that becomes a client. And the best part? This commission isn't a one-time deal; it's ongoing, lasting for as long as the organization remains our client. Use that money for whatever you like: an additional revenue source, a donation back into a ministry of your choice — it’s completely up to you. 

What Next? 

To take the next step, reach out to us expressing your interest and, if approved, you will be given access to a website will all the resources you’ll need to effectively communicate how Bark and Radiant can help organizations in your network. If an organization you introduce us to becomes a Bark or Radiant client, you will receive an ongoing 5% commission on all the work we do for them. It’s really that easy. 

I’m interested in learning more.

Ray Majoran
Ray Majoran CEO

Ray is the CEO of Radiant, where he focuses on building culture, creativity, strategic partnerships, and innovative technology solutions.