The Reading Room

Radiant’s Central Repository

The Reading Room is a unique place where we share thoughts on innovation, brand strategy, client insights, and our latest SAAS projects.

Ministry leaders, in this article you’ll find what you need to know about the unprecedented IT outage that disrupted institutions around the world today.

Reports indicate that thousands of flights were temporarily grounded, financial transactions were disrupted and critical healthcare services were impacted. This event serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of our technology-dependent world. 

At Radiant, we often encounter ministries and churches tempted by services offering to flood social media with large volumes of content at incredibly low costs. While the appeal of constant activity might seem enticing, it’s the quality of content that truly drives success on social media. Here are seven reasons why focusing on high-quality content is the strategic choice for meaningful engagement and long-term growth.

Helping our clients move away from the all-too-common practice of self-diagnosing their own marketing and communications problems often leads to brand breakthroughs that propel their organizations forward. In our experience, it’s really hard to read the label from inside the bottle. While you may have important insights about the state of your brand, problems get solved when ministries welcome objective input from experts who care about advancing their mission.

Businesses and charities all know that you need to thank your customers and donors. But do they do it? When was the last time you thanked your most loyal customers — those who put their trust in you and your products? Or, if you’re leading a charity, how often do you express your gratitude to those who part ways with their hard-earned money to help you advance your mission?