Recap of Today's Events 

Today, July 19th, 2024, the world witnessed a massive IT outage that has been described by many as the largest IT outage in the history of the world. This unprecedented event has disrupted businesses and ministries, grounded flights and affected various institutions across the globe. The outage was linked to issues with Microsoft Azure and CrowdStrike, two major players in the cybersecurity and cloud services industry. The repercussions of this outage have been felt by airlines, hospitals, financial institutions and countless other organizations reliant on digital infrastructure. 

Reports indicate that thousands of flights were temporarily grounded, causing significant delays and cancelations. Financial transactions were disrupted, leading to temporary shutdowns of banks and other financial services. Even critical healthcare services were impacted, with hospitals canceling non-urgent visits due to the inability to access vital data. 

This event serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of our technology-dependent world. It underscores the importance of having robust contingency plans and reliable backup systems in place to mitigate the impact of such unforeseen disruptions. 

Evaluating Your Data and Backup Plans 

In light of today's events, it's imperative for organizations to reevaluate their technology structures and backup plans. Here are key areas to focus on: 

  1. Data Backup and Recovery: Ensure that your data is regularly backed up and that you have a reliable recovery plan. Backups should be stored in multiple locations to safeguard against data loss due to localized issues.

  2. Redundancy in Systems: Implement redundancy in your critical systems to ensure continuous operation, even if one part of your infrastructure fails. This includes having backup servers, alternative communication channels and secondary power supplies.

  3. Comprehensive IT Policies: Develop and enforce comprehensive IT policies that cover data security, regular system updates and employee training on cybersecurity best practices. For more detailed strategies, consider exploring our guide on protecting your ministry from ransomware attacks: 12 Ways to Protect Your Ministry from Ransomware Attacks.

  4. Disaster Recovery Plan: Have a well-documented disaster recovery plan that outlines the steps to be taken in the event of a system failure. Regularly update and test this plan to ensure its effectiveness. 

Radiant's Commitment to Reliability 

At Radiant, we understand the critical nature of maintaining operational continuity for ministries and missionally-minded organizations. We're thankful to report that throughout today's global IT outage, all our platforms, including Radiant WebTools and Radiant Digital Church, were unaffected. It did, however, serve as a great reminder of the responsibility we have with your data. 

The Importance of Contingency Plans 

Today's events highlight a crucial lesson: hoping your data will be safe with a big provider is not enough. Every organization, regardless of size, needs to have comprehensive contingency plans.  

Here are some ways Radiant can help: 

  1. Secure Website Hosting: Radiant WebTools provides enterprise-grade websites and management tools to ministries who do not want to be hosting in a public cloud. Similarly, Radiant Digital Church offers a robust digital signage platforms that functions even when the internet goes offline. 

  2. Brand Management: Branding is way more than pretty logos and designs. It’s about how you respond when the iron is hot and what you say in moments of crisis. We help numerous ministries and businesses manage their brands and communication strategies.
  3. Technology Audits: We can help perform thorough audits of your current technology infrastructure to identify potential vulnerabilities and recommend improvements. 

  4. Custom Backup Solutions: Our team can help design and implement custom backup solutions tailored to your organization's specific needs, ensuring your data is always protected. 

  5. Ongoing Support and Training: Radiant provides ongoing support and training to ensure your team is equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to maintain robust technology practices. 

In Summary 

Hopefully, today’s massive IT outage serves as a wake-up call for ministries worldwide. It underscores the importance of having reliable technology infrastructure, comprehensive backup systems and well-prepared contingency plans. At Radiant, we are committed to helping ministries and missionally-minded organizations navigate these challenges with confidence. 

We invite you to reach out to us to discuss how we can help your organization strengthen its brand and technology framework. Let's work together to ensure that your mission continues uninterrupted, regardless of the challenges that may arise.

Ray Majoran
Ray Majoran CEO

Ray is the CEO of Radiant, where he focuses on building culture, creativity, strategic partnerships, and innovative technology solutions.