Radiant ONE™

A Partnership Model for Missionally-Minded Organizations

You have organizational gaps.

How do we know? Because every organization does! Traditionally, organizations have faced a decision between building their own internal marketing team, or outsourcing everything.

We believe that there is a third, and better, way.

Decades of experience in the marketing and communications field, spread across hundreds of marketing and communications projects, has resulted in this key learning:

All of the greatest successes we have ever had for our clients has come when we have worked effectively as a part of their teams.

No one knows your business better than you. But you have gaps in talent, time, perspective, and budgets. That's where we come in.

We integrate with your marketing and communications team to fill the gaps that exist in your organization.

“Radiant is a Christian company that is committed to advancing the gospel.”
— Geoff Moulton - Editor-in-Chief,
The Salvation Army —

How it works

Instead of simply hiring more people, focus on maximizing your key employees by partnering with Radiant as your flexible super-employee for expert-level services.

How we help you with the TALENT gap

Instead of simply hiring more people, focus on maximizing your key employees by partnering with Radiant as your flexible super-employee for expert-level services.

  • Brand Building
  • Event Management
  • Public Relations
  • Brand Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Radio Production
  • Communications Reviews
  • Media Buying & Planning
  • Research
  • Copywriting
  • Mobile Apps
  • SEM & SEO
  • Creative Idea Generation
  • Operational Assessment
  • Social Media Strategy & Curation
  • Design & UX
  • Photography
  • Technology Initiatives
  • Direct Mail
  • Print Media
  • Video Production

How we help you with the TIME Gap

One of the most common scenarios we run into is teams that are very capable in many areas, but simply don't have the time to address other important brand-related issues. This is a major issue that slows down brand growth and the achievement of strategic business goals. Radiant integrates with your team to bring success to these initiatives and keep you moving forward.

How we help you with the PERSPECTIVE Gap

When it comes to your organization, being inside the circle gives you a unique vantage point that no one else has. But it can also be a disadvantage because it limits your objectivity when making key decisions. Radiant brings that objectivity-providing you with an outside-the-circle perspective-giving you our unique perspective, allowing you to see the full picture.

How we help you with the BUDGET Gap

The traditional approach for most organizations when it comes to filling gaps is to hire another person. The problem with this approach is that individual employees simply don't have the expertise required to fill every necessary gap, and as a result, the organization compromises its brand. Radiant fills those niche areas, and saves you a great deal of money doing it.

"Radiant has an incredible ability to meet the expectations of clients which contribute to both creative and bottom-line outcomes."
—John Mcauley, Executive Director, Muskoka Woods —

The Logistics of Radiant ONE™

Instead of jumping the gun and hiring new staff members to fill gaps in areas where you require expert-level services, you make Radiant a part of your team through an annual retainer.

  • Radiant does an in-depth Brand Health Diagnostic on your organization. This will likely include interviews, surveys, assessments, materials reviews, and, in most cases, at least one on-site visit.
  • Upon completion of the Brand Health Diagnostic, Radiant provides you with a Strategic Recommendations report and (at least) three proposed solutions and budget options.
  • Once your organization (in combination with Radiant) agrees on the best way forward, we become your super-employee and get to work on the solutions. You are assigned a point person on the Radiant team for smooth communication and have access to our central project management dashboard, where you can interact with our team. On top of our project management system, we'll schedule a call at least once a week to ensure we're all connected.
  • As goals change or if immediate needs arise, we shift the focus responsively throughout the year. Again, consider us a part of your organization - if you need something done, you simply connect with us.

Contact Us to Discuss Next Steps